Sunday, September 2, 2012

The City of Love (or Lights) - Paris!

Rocking it, Paris-Style
 Yep, it's true, we're into our fourth day in Paris, and we are loving it, despite not having been in a museum or to the top of anything yet.  Most of our time has been spent walking around just being in Paris and looking at Frenchy things, but that is time well spent, let me tell you what.  A few of the sights of Paris:

L'arc de Triomphe - and our heroes
Below are a few shots of the worlds most photographed monument.  Due to various difficulties, we haven't been to the top yet, but we will, oh, we will.  Turning the corner and seeing it from the Tocadero (another museum/monument of some sort) for the first time is one of those out-of-this-world, pinch-me-I'm-REALLY-in-Paris type moments, the moments for which we came on this trip.  It is super touristy, yes, and there are a lot of Africans walking around trying to get you to buy their lousy quality Eiffel Towers, but nothing diminish the feeling of standing dumbstruck staring up at it.  An amazing monument indeed.  True fact - one of the alternate suggestions for the monument was a really big guillotine.  Just think of the cool pictures!

We saw approx. 300 million asians do this exact shot, so we thought maybe they know something we don't.  Turns out they didn't.

It's big - I mean, REALLY BIG!!!
 Other sights of Paris include:

-some awesome bridges,

 Monks (?) and Melanie in Place de la Concorde (main square of Paris),

Obelisk taken from Egypt to commemorate something or other.  I guess that place has a lot, because everyone seems to have taken one home as a souvenir.
 Notre Dame (Our Lady)
Think you're old?  Notre Dame construction began in the year 1163!  Next year it will celebrate it's 850th birthday!  Suddenly 30 isn't so scary, says Brannan

 Street performers.  We couldn't figure out how they got the piano to the middle of a pedestrian bridge, but they were AWESOME!
 More to come, stay with us!


  1. You guys freakin rock! And now Lydia knows where the Tour Eiffel is! When I read the inscription on Notre Dame Lydia observed I was speaking in a different language. Keep up the posts. Also this si a tough message to write with two melonheads on my lap pushing random keys. We love you! On saturday we had baugettes, croissants, pain de chocolate, and stinky cheese for breakfast in honour of yall in Pariee. Do you like the mix of dialects? Well, all I have to say is: Sacre Bleu! Tabernacle! Heh heh.

    1. Keep those mellonheads in line! Nice to know we are eating the same things. Yesterday we bought a baguette for breakfast and apparently the way to eat it is to rip a piece off and eat it, not just go for it, because we got furrow-browed looks on the metro. Frenchies, eh? Loving it though, thanks for keeping up and commenting! More to come, we're already anticipating the awesomeness that is Italian cooking!

  2. Loving the pictures fellas. Gotta say I have seen many pictures of the eifel tower but never seen one of big wooden hairy icelandic bro stanidng alone on a cliff or of a guy holding a taxadermed skunk. Gotta say looks like a once in a lifetime trip

    1. Ah the "joys" of Iceland, what a weird place, glad to be somewhere civilized. But those two things are what this trip is all about, seeing crazy stuff and trying to share some of it with you guys. Stay tuned, more Beasley-based adventures to come! Soon we'll be in countries where neither of us have any idea what's happening. Yay! Having a blast, hope things are still rocking on your end too!
